Mon January 27 2025

12:21 GMT+7

Thailand Laws

Intellectual Property Disputes in Thailand

Intellectual Property Disputes Thailand

In the 21st century, it is unquestionable that our world is fueled by technology and innovation. These novel creations are considered intellectual assets that must be protected as much as physical assets. Though they are intangible, intellectual property can be sold, bought, and generate income for the inventors in the same way as tangible property. Full protection over the exclusive right to benefit from own intellectual property is therefore crucial and should be legally enforced. What Exactly Is Intellectual Property? Intellectual property refers to ideas or creations of human intellect. This may encompass product designs, scientific discoveries, artistic works as well as the company’s brand and logo. These are valuable possessions that are often stolen, forged, or used by others without authorization. It is extremely important for inventors and companies to properly manage their intellectual property and understand legal mechanisms of how to enforce their entitlements in case of any violation of their original work. The protection of these intangible assets helps encourage inventors to continue developing their ideas and contributing to innovation for the benefit of society and the growth of the economy. Intellectual Property Rights in Thailand Thailand is known to the world as a dream destination for

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Thai Work Permit Application

The Complete Guide to Obtaining Work Permit in Thailand

If you are one of the many foreigners who consider Thailand a dream country and wish to stay here long term, working in Thailand is one of the most preferable and practical options out there. Every foreigner who works in the Kingdom must possess a work permit, but the process of obtaining one can be overwhelming for some. Nonetheless, the work permit allows you to exercise your rights and benefits as an employee in Thailand, and engaging in work without a proper permit will result in punishment as enforced by the law.  Before you decide to relocate to this beautiful country, it will be useful for you to know about all the fundamentals and requirements of getting a work permit and work visa to ensure you can enjoy your life in Thailand while staying compliant. This complete guide will navigate you through the process.  Thai Work Visa and Thai Work Permit – What’s the Difference? In some countries work visa may have the same meaning as a work permit, but not in Thailand. Foreigners may be confused and assume that once they have obtained a work visa, they can start working without having to go through other processes, and that

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