Wed February 26 2025

19:27 GMT+7

Thailand Pass FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of Vaccine Certificate is required for the Thailand Pass?

Vaccine certificates are accepted as long as it is accepted by the World Health Organization and/or the Thai government can verify them. The vaccination document must be in Thai or English language.

Do restaurants and destinations in Thailand require a vaccine certificate or a COVID test?

Not necessarily but because of the recent pandemic situation, some establishments might require you to bring them with you as part of their health measures.

I just finished my quarantine under Sandbox. Will the hotel give me anything as proof that I’ve finished it?

The hotel shall give you a “Quarantine or Sandbox Release Form” as well as the negative result of your second RT PCR test. You may contact your hotel for more details.

I didn’t receive any confirmation after applying for Thailand Pass. What should I do?

Please check your spam folder or make sure that you have correctly spelled the email address. Additionally, there had been reports that people using some emails like Hotmail weren’t receiving confirmation. This, however, hasn’t been confirmed if it’s a problem with the Thailand Pass application. Many people suggest using Gmail.

I cannot pay for my RT-PCR test online. What should I do?

If your payment keeps on failing, try to use a different card. Also, try to use a debit card if you first tried a credit card or vice versa. Another option, you may ask your Sandbox hotel to book it for you since the system may reject some credit cards from US and Canada.

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