Tue March 4 2025

1:12 GMT+7

Certificate of Entry (COE) to Thailand

NOTE: The Certificate of Entry has been replaced by Thailand Pass since November 2021. To know more about the new system, visit our Thailand Pass page.

What is a COE?

The Certificate of Entry or COE is a letter issued by the Thai Embassy or Consulate to allow a foreign visa holder to enter Thailand onboard a special repatriation flight, chartered flight, or semi-commercial flight. This letter will be presented to the airline personnel before departure and to the immigration officer upon arrival in Thailand.

Download your Complete Travel Guide HERE! Thailand Travel Guide 2021

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Who may apply for the COE?

The following categories of persons are permitted to enter Thailand and are required to apply for a valid visa and Certificate of Entry (COE) before traveling to Thailand:

  • Diplomats, officials of international organizations, and their family members
  • Non-Thai nationals who are spouses (holding a Thai Marriage visa), parents or children of Thai nationals
  • Non-Thai nationals who have a Certificate of Permanent Residence
  • Non-Thai nationals with valid work permit or letter of confirmation to work (WP3) from the relevant Thai government agency, and their spouse and children
  • Non-Thai nationals who are students of formal educational establishments in Thailand as approved by Thai authorities, and their parents
  • Non-Thai nationals in need of medical treatment in Thailand, except for treatment of COVID-19, including their accompanying persons
  • Holders of Non-Immigrant visa Category OA/OX
  • Holders of APEC Business card or Thai Elite Visa
  • Holders of Special Tourist Visa (STV) Or Tourist Visa (TR) selected countries only
  • Holders of Non-Immigrant visa for Business purpose, ownership of condominium or investment
  • Holders of Non-Immigrant O retirement visa
  • Passport holders of Countries under Visa Exemption Program

What are the Requirements for the COE?

The main requirement for the COE is that the applicant qualifies to enter Thailand based on the list of eligible travelers. The applicant must secure the appropriate Thai visa before applying for the COE. Once the visa has been obtained, the applicant must prepare the following documents for the COE application:

NOTE: Some embassies will reject your COE application if you do not have the correct format for Health Insurance. In order to have the correct insurance for the COE.

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Siam Legal Visa and COE Application Assistance

Package 1: 395 USD (for UK, USA, and Canada Only)

  • Unlimited Online Visa Consultation
  • Assistance in visa application (non-immigrant O visa and tourist visa)
  • Assistance in COE application
  • Assistance in booking an ASQ hotel
  • Assistance in booking insurance
  • Assistance in booking the flight

Apply COE Thailand

Package 2: 200 USD (for UK, USA, and Canada Only)

  • Unlimited Online Visa Consultation
  • Extensive checklist of required documents
  • Assistance in visa application (non-immigrant O visa and tourist visa)
  • Assistance in COE application

Apply COE Thailand

Package 3: 100 USD

  • Visa Consultation for the best visa suitable to the applicant
  • Extensive checklist of required documents
  • Assistance in COE application (including visa exemption and Phuket Sandbox)

Apply COE Thailand

How to Apply for the Certificate of Entry (COE)?

Step 1: Visit the COE online portal/website and register by filling in your details, and upload supporting documents such as a copy of passport, copy of the valid visa, and COVID-19 travel insurance. The Embassy will screen and pre-approve the applicants who meet the requirements. Please check the status of your application after 1-3 working days.

Step 2: The applicants can check their status online if they have been pre-approved. They will be contacted by email if the Embassy requires more documents. The applicants who are pre-approved passengers can then buy flight tickets and book their ASQ or SHA+ hotels. Copy of the flight ticket and the ASQ hotel or SHA+ Hotel booking confirmation has to be uploaded to get the COE. Please check the status of your application after 1-3 working days.

Step 3: When the COE has been approved, the applicants can check their status online and click to download their COE.

How long does it take to obtain the COE?

It is strongly recommended that the applicant spares at least 15 working days before the travel date to apply for the COE. If you do not have a valid visa, it is recommended to secure your visa before applying for the COE.

Book Your ASQ Package HERE buy now

Book your ASQ Hotel in Thailand

What is the validity of the COE?

The Certificate of Entry is valid only for the intended date of travel. The COE will specifically state your name, passport details, flight date of departure and arrival, flight number, and the name of your ASQ hotel. In case, you need to postpone your trip or change the details of your flight, you need to make a new application for the COE to obtain a new certificate with the new flight details or ASQ hotel details.

What do you have to do after receiving the COE?

Once you have received your COE, you have to prepare the following documents for your trip to Thailand. It will be presented to the airline before departure:

  • Certificate of Entry (COE)
  • Valid visa in your passport
  • Declaration Form
  • Medical Certificate with a laboratory result indicating that COVID -19 is not detected. The COVID test must be by the RT-PCR method, the test must be conducted within 72 hours before departure. Some airlines do not accept home kit tests so please check specific requirements with the airlines you are traveling with.
  • Copy of Travel insurance policy that covers COVID and no less than 50,000 USD. The policy must cover the whole duration of your stay or the duration of your visa. Please print the insurance certificate and all pages of the terms and conditions on the COVID-19 coverage and medical benefits. You may be refused to board the flight if you could not show that the insurance meets this requirement.
  • Copy of confirmed ASQ hotel booking or SHA+ Hotel Booking
  • Flight itinerary
  • T8 Form
  • You must download “Thailand Plus” Application on your mobile phone


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Want to stay in Thailand for 5, 10, or 20 years? Consider the Thailand Elite Visa program.

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1,316 Responses

  1. Hi I am planning to travel from Paris to Koh Samui on December 14 until January 14. I have a change of flight in Bangkok, (2 hours wait in airport)
    Then I have one night in SHA+ hotel on Koh Samui. Can you please tell me what documents I need?

  2. I attended the airport on the 3rd november i wasnt able to fly out that day my pcr test was days out, i had to change my outbound flight date to the 8th of November everything is the same flight & times etc but my coe document has my original fly date the 3rd do i have to get a new coe because the change of my outbound flight thankyou.

  3. The Covid Insurance that is offered through the AXA Insurance links on this page is priced in Thai Bat. It will not take my credit card, I’m presuming because it is in US dollars. How do I purchase the insurance with my US based credit card???

  4. As an australian passport holder, I get a 30 day free visa.
    Do I fill my c o e . Thailand form at my departing airport
    Thx gary

  5. Hi I Want to travel on 11 November put my form In on 1 November when they opened I have still not heard anything I’ve sent them all details from the insurance me passport the hotel I’m staying in which is SHA or whatever you wanna call it Then I have put another one in on Wednesday and I have still not heard anything I travel next Thursday I’ve done everything they ask what they do not come back to me thank you Michael

  6. Good morning,

    I am flying to Phuket on 27/12 for 9 nights from Sydney. Do I need to apply for a COE.

    Thank you

  7. Please provide the site of COE application form.
    And my question is :
    Is it a must to obtain the COE before traveling to Phuket
    Note: l have got the tourist via

  8. Hello!
    What are the rules for children? I have a daughter who is 2 years old,before i applied for the COE it said clearly in the information that children under 6 years would not have to do a PCR-test and that seems to still be the case when arriving in Thailand but according to the airline no one is exempt from the 72 hours before flight pcr-test. So what are the rules??? //Robbi

  9. I believe my United Health Care, Medicare advantage (USA) covers medical cost when traveling abroad. Can that coverage be suffice for the health insurance requirements for entry into Thailand? Or can I use another Travel insurance, such as Travel Guard?

  10. Hi,

    I am looking to fly in on the 15th of December from the UK and I am double vaccinated. However when filling in the ‘Registration system for Certificate of Entry’ it defaults me to acknowledge that I need to quarantine for 7-10 days as opposed to one. Is this correct?


  11. We started COE omn 10/10 – first confirmation we received 27/10 instead of just havcing to wait 3 days it took 17 days but we immediately fulfilled rest of the needed formalities on 27th Oct. for COE

    On Monday in addition we registered under Thailandpass as well

    Our flight is in 3 days (saturday) and neither of the portals sent us a confirmation/QR code.
    Hundreds of calls at embassy Frankfurt: unanswered!
    several emails to consulate/embassy Frankfurt: unanswered

    we have all we need and we are about to lose thousands of Euros for a 3 week trip to Thailand due to slow bureaucracy – what to do???
    We are supporting your country too – who is gonna help?

  12. Hi good day,

    I am from philippines and planning to go to phuket on january 16 and stay there for 30days. Do i still need to apply a visa? if not may i know how to apply for coe? Where should i send my requirements?


  13. Hi I would like to know more on the Thailand Pass process
    I am planning to visit Bangkok from Korea
    My understanding is that I only need to apply for Thailand Pass
    which will take approx. 1 week to process.
    Please let me know if otherwise.

    Thank you

  14. Hello!
    Is the “EU vaccine passport” enough to entry Thailand as it shows i have 2/2 vaccines but it doesnt say the date of the first one?
    I got my Thailand Pass approved but i want to be sure i wont get any problems in the immigration.
    Thank You!

  15. How long does it take to consider COE application?
    I applied today and I will be in Thailand on 7th of November, will they make it in time? Can I enter Thailand if COE is not yet ready?

  16. Hello, I’m planning to visit Bangkok on 24th November 2021. I’ve got vaccinated 1st dose of COVIDShield-Astrazeneca under UNICEF programme since 18th August 2021. Unfortunately, I’m still waiting for the call of 2nd dose. Unfortunately, can I mix with Chinese vaccines (Sinopharm/Sinovac) for my 2nd dose within 3 months (12 weeks) after my 1st dose? I noted that I need fully vaccinated at least 14 days before my departure.
    Many thanks.

  17. i plan to visit Thailand from the US for one week at the end of November, 2021 for and for 2 weeks over the Christmas-New Years, 2021 do I need a separate Visa? Thanks, BB

  18. Hello,
    We have landed yesterday (1st of November) with COE, with Phuket sandbox Program, (since Thailand pass is not available yet) and did our 1 night quarantine. We received negative covid test, too.

    Are we free to travel through Thailand now or do we need to wait 7 nights?

    Thanks in advance!

  19. Hello my flight plane was booked when it is 9 november can you hurry up with my decision i have 2 vaccin doses and when it is 9 november then it have been more then 2 weeks after I have took the last vaccin dose 2.

    So the documents is attached, like booking number and, booking for So called Sha+ hotel.

    Passport is uploaded and covid proof.

    Mobile number is 0046764526045

    My name id name is Michael Furstenborg
    Personal number: 199007035356
    Okey bye

  20. Dear Rex

    I have one question.
    I am fully vaccinated with two shots and i am an norwegian ziticen.
    I am traveling from a country that is not on the quarentine free list(Republic of Congo).
    I was wondering what type of option should i apply for when going to pattaya under Thailand Pass. I know i must sit 7 days in quarentine but is it option 2 i must take (Sandbox Programme) or option 3 (Alternative Quarentine). The reason i ask is that i want to go and live in the house with my wife after 7 days and not another hotell and i get all confused about what i should take that is correct in my case?
    Hope to hear from you.

  21. I got stuck with COE and Thaipass cross over as we only booked flights on Friday to travel this Thursday/ Friday. I was told my COE would be cancelled so I have tried all day to register for the Thaipass but i keep getting an API error code when i go to upload.
    Can anyone advise if there is a different way to get my pass as im fast running out of time and stuck with no help or advice from the webportal.
    Is there a way we can pay to have someone register it all for us ?

  22. I am having difficulty with Thailand Pass website. I have all docs in .jpg format (under 2MB) and used Google, Chrome and Safari browsers – all fail at final “Submit”. Can you assist? I travel very soon, arriving 11/6 and need help right away.

  23. Dear All,

    I try to upload the documents in the new Thaiand Pass system. But the Medical Insurance documents field gives een Error from API Server.

    Do you know what the solution is?

    Kind Regards

  24. Hi,
    My flight leaves to Thailand the 15 november. I’m trying to apply for Thailand Pass but the registration form fails at the end. I’m trying to call the Swedish embassy for assistance, but the line is always busy. Now I do not know what to do.

  25. Hello,
    i am already in Bangkok arrived at 30.10. and i got coe with 7 nights Quarantaine.

    Now i read that i can Update my COE to the new regularies. So that i can move free after the Test.

    Is that possible? Otherwise i have to stay 7 nights… And Person who comes today only stay 1 night? That makes Not much sence…


  26. สวัสดีค่ะ ดิฉันจะเดินจากประเทศฮังการี วันที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน ถึงไทยวันที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน ตอน 08.00 น.เที่ยวบินตรงจากออสเตรียถึงสุวรรณภูมิ ดิฉันจะเดินทางกลับบ้านเกิดที่จ.นครราชสีมา ดิฉันได้รับวัคซีนไฟเซอร์ครบ 2 โดรสและวันที่ 8 พฤศจิกายนจะเดินทางไปรับวัคซีนเข็มที่ 3 ค่ะ ไม่ทราบว่าในกรณีนี้ดิฉันจะต้องดำเนินการอย่างไร เมื่อดิฉันเดินทางถึงเมืองไทย

  27. Hello, we will be traveling to Phuket for 8 days under Phuket Sandbox program, arriving and leaving Phuket by 2 direct flights (in and outbound). Since we arrive from Israel and Israel is exempt form visa requirements, do we need to obtain COE or we will get visa on arrival? If COE is required, is it paid or I can obtain online myself? Can you kindly share a link?
    Thanks, Udi

  28. I am currently in Thailand and vaccinated in July 2021 with the Johnson vaccine. I want to visit the UK for 4 days from November 18-22nd and then come back to Thailand. When I try to apply for the “Thailand Pass” it will not accept the entry unless I show two vaccinations but the Johnson vaccine is a single dose vaccine? Seems the online application program has some problem? Any suggestions?

  29. Dear Sirs

    How do I apply, I can’t find any links on the Embassy of Thailand website

    The Thailand Pass system will be available on November 1 at 9AM Thailand time.

    Please help

    Many thanks

  30. Hi,
    approx. two weeks ago I applied for the Phuket Sandbox program at the COE.
    After the first pre-approval I continued with the procedure and now I wait for the final confirmation. This has been processing now for 2 weeks and I don´t have the final confirmation yet.
    Now my question:
    Are ongoing processes be completed at COE until implemetation of Thailand Pass System 1st of Nov.?
    Do I need to register at Thailand Pass because I haven´t received a confirmation from COE yet?


  31. Good morning
    Please may I confirm the procedure for Thai Pass for my two children.
    We will be travelling to Phuket as a family with two fully vaccinated adults and two children aged 12 and 13 years old.
    The children have received one dose vaccination of Pfizer which is what the UK Government directed acceptable. In the UK children under the age of 16 are not issued with a vaccination certificate.
    Are the children eligible for Thai Pass and how long do we need to book an SHA+ Hotel for? Is it 1 night or 7 nights. Could you confirm that we would not need to quarantine for 10 nights and can move freely?

  32. I have downloaded the Thailand Plus AP but it does not work. I have downloaded it twice. I have a Motorola phone runs on android. WHat should I do about this?

  33. Hi, I wasn’t able to enter my plane because Singapore doesn’t accept RT-PCR that is longer than 48 hours and I got mine just right for the 72 hours rule. Can I have my COE flight changed? I’m buying ticket for the same day.

  34. Hi. My mom is on a retirement visa (O) and she is living in Phuket. I want her to come to UAE for Christmas vacation (30 days). What would be the requirements for her to return to Phuket?

    Thanks in advance

  35. Me and my wife are flying from London Heathrow to Koh Samui for a 14 day vacation via connection at Bangkok on 22nd January 2021. We are UK passport holders and both double vaccinated. What documents will we be required to bring with us?

  36. My visa will expired on next year Jan 4, I have plan to go back home to bkk on 30 Dec for new year. Is my visa still can use?

  37. Hi, I will be travelling to Thailand on 6th November. I did apply for COE on 29th October. In the update it says if you don’t get pre-approved for COE by 1st November it will be rejected but then Thailand pass needs to be applied 7 days before travelling. So is it gonna work for people travelling from India on the 6rh Nov it’s pretty confusing as in what a person needs to do.

  38. Hello Rex,

    Two of us are leaving Los Angeles on November 9th for Bangkok, currently in the final stages of the COE process. In another comment, you suggested that for travel dates after November 8th one should apply for the Thailand Pass. Could you confirm this information please. I spoke with the embassy two days ago and they did not direct us to the Thailand Pass.

    Thank you for responding!

  39. I have completed my initial CoE and now try to upload hotel SHABA covid test booking etc. However when I try to save I get an error message Database Exception (#22007)

    Should I not continue with CoE ans start a new Thailand pass application on Monday 1november. .

    Can someone please help. I am due to leave on 8th November and now worried I won’t have the correct applications filled in.

  40. Hello! We have a flight to Thailand on November, 5. There was informations that travellers entering Thailand after November 1 should use a Thai Pass. However it’s not available till November 1 and we will have only 5 days to get it. Will it work? To get a CoE is not an option now as you should apply it 15 days prior to the entry date.

  41. Hello, I will be leaving Singapore on 3rd November
    can I request for urgent COE, and I will need to purchase travel insurance too.

    I wish to enter through sandbox stay. Wish to stay for 29 days.

    Thank you and hoping for your help.

  42. my friend want to go bangkok, he from malaysia. When he arrives in Bangkok, he needs to go to the hotel to quarantine and wait covid test result?

  43. Good day,

    I have a few inquiries regarding the certificate of entry (COE), recently I have applied the COE through the website on the 27/10/2021. In the given forms I filled the expected date to travel is on the 3rd of November 2021 (3/11/2021) and I just received the pre-approval from the website last night around 8:18Pm (28/11/2021).

    For the flight reservation , can I change the date of flight to another date in the next process ? probably around 12/11/2021 because I’m afraid to get flight in this very last minute a bit hard. I have to upload the evidence of my flight reservation and AQ within 15 days.

    Really appreciate your assistance and clarification on this matter urgently,

  44. I applied for my COE on Monday 25 October. As yet I haven’t received anything back from the embassy. My code is 169485. Can you please assist me.

  45. Hello ,
    I’m thinking if there opportunities to take a flight from Russia :
    Vladivostok- Phuket, only for transit purposes , then going to Singapore with a quickest possible connection.
    My next flight home Singapore – Sydney ( confirmed)
    Do I need to apply for any permission to entry Thailand ? Not planning to leave Phuket International Airport.
    Au permanent resident / Russian Federation passport, fully vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine in Australia.
    Thank you.

  46. Hello, i’m coming to phuket with phuket sandbox program next week. I’ll be staying in phuket for 7 days and then go to bangkok on day 8. On psas booking system, i am allowed to book for 1st test only (test at airport) but not day 6 test. What should I do?

  47. Dear Rex,

    We are traveling as a family ( parents + infant 6 month).
    Do I need to apply for a COE as well for the infant?

    All the best


  48. I am applying for COE today for my wife and as we arrive in Thailand on November 8. I have uploaded all the relevant documents, but when I try to save the application, it gives an error stating that I need to upload the COVID vaccination certificate, which I had already uploaded. Has anyone else had this issue?

  49. Hi, we applied for a COE last Friday but our cases is still under consideration. We are coming to Phuket 3.November. Must we start to be worried, it’s very soon, but we don’t have COE:)?
    Thank you!
    Best regards

  50. Dear Mr Rex,
    I’m planning to visit Phuket from Russia within Phuket Sandbox program and now filling in COE. Could you, please, advice what documents should I load into “Attachment, for further consideration” section? I am vaccinated and as far as I know I should only pass PCR-tests and do not need Thai visa. Thank you!

  51. Is there a way of applying for a COE without having to go through Siam legal? Can we just apply ourselves? If so, what website do we go to?

  52. I am a Filipino and i am in Philippines. Will be traveling to bkk on nov 6, will i be eligible for phuket sandbox or bangkok sandbox will be available by then?

  53. เรียน จนท ผู้เกี่ยวข้อง
    มาเยี่ยมเพื่อนและลูกที่สวิส และ ออสเตรีย ถึงสวิส1ตค จะกลับ4พย นี้ ฉีดยาแล้ว2เข็ม จะกรอกCOE หรือ Thailand pass ไม่สามารถทำได้ อีกอาทิตยเดียวจะเดินทาง ให้ทำอย่างไรบ้างค่ะ
    จะตรวจpcr 72ชม ก่อนเดินทาง จองรร กักตัว1วันแล้ว ถ้ามีเอกสารทุกอย่างตามประกาศที่จะกรอกThailand pass สามารถเอาไปใช้check inได่กรือไม่ จะบินออกทางZurich ค่ะ กรุณาแ้งด่วน

  54. Hi,

    I urgently need support with my COE please. I have been trying to upload my travel details and documents for 24hrs but each time I get to the point of saving a message comes up to say:

    Database exception (22007) Internal server error occurred.

    Please advise how I can proceed. I have all details and documentation required and I am due to fly next Weds 3rd November so need to get this sorted urgently.

    I am not able to do the Thailand Pass as registration does not open until 1st Nov and can take 7 days to be processed.


    Thank you so much

  55. Hi!
    We are looking forward to our trip to your beautiful country, but our application for COE is stil under consideration… Is it possible to se from your desk, if it can be ready before our flight the 2nd of November?? Thank you ?. Sincerely Rosina Axelsen

  56. Hello, I am going to Thailand on a 30 days visa exemption. Can I further extend my visa for 60 days? I am married to a Thai spouse but cannot apply Non-O visa yet as the money on my bank account need another 2 months to season.

  57. Dear Sir,
    Thank you for always good info. Two questions:i have my COE issued with statement of 7 days quarantine in the start of november, but my country is on the low risk list. So how do I avoid the quarantine? They also issued my COE even if i send ticket showing i will stay 39 days. Can i just wait and get extension after I arrive? Thank you for your help.

  58. I arrive in Bangkok on November 2nd , I am fully vaccinated an American citizen , I’m going for business. I will be there for 6 days then head back to NY. I will have a Covid test prior to going. I have contacted a hotel for a 1 day at a AQ hotel.
    Do I need a COE?

  59. My COE application has been rejected for only one reason and the consulate has asked me to correct it before resubmitting. The reason – I mistakenly put HND – Tokyo as my port of departure instead of NRT -Tokyo. I have tried basically for hours to correct this mistake in every possible way and have asked for assistance from others. No matter what I do, when I hit save/confirm it reverts back to HND -Tokyo. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this? Thank you for your help.

  60. Hi,

    I fly from London to Phuket on 7th November. I have already been pre-approved for the COE & got the rest of my documents ready to be uploaded except the PCR tests receipts as i have just noticed the website states “temporarily closed until the official entry process is announced”, so really i can’t do anything until the 1st Nov.

    Will i have enough time from 1st November to upload all of my documents onto Thailandpass in order to get the QR code before the flight on 7th? I am unsure what to do, either carry on with the COE or to upload everything on Thailand pass once its goes live, please could you advise?

    If i did go along and finish off my COE application on the 1st, will it have the option to quarantine for only 1 day? (therefore i can contact the hotel reduce my stay from 7 days to 1)

    Thank you.

  61. I am travelling to Thailand on 2 Nov – I submitted my COE application under Phuket Sandbox before Exemption From Quarantine was an option. My application was rejected as I did not book 7 nights in Phuket (per Sandbox rules). Now, Exemption From Quarantine is an option – I resubmitted my COE application under this program, but it as not appear this application was accepted. How can I submit under Exemption From Quarantine?

  62. hej
    Min kone som er thailandsk statsborger skal rejse til thailand d. 5/11-2021 Hvad kræves der for hende ?

  63. Hello. we will arrive to Bangkok on Nov 9th and want to take an immediate conection flight to Chiang may (not leaving the airport) we both Vaccinated.
    Can we do that or need to stay in Bangkok until receiving the covid19 test results first? can we stay in quarantine hotel in Chiang may?

    1. Dear Liat,

      Good day.
      Unfortunately it is not possible. You need to stay 1 night in Bangkok with COVID test result before you can travel to Chiang Mai. Or you can find a flight to Chiang Mai that has no stop in Bangkok. Once you have the negative COVID result, you go to Chiang Mai and there is no need to quarantine in Chiang Mai.
      To check the correct COVID 19 Insurance, please visit http://www.siam-legal.com/axa-insurance
      Should you require any assistance for the COE or Thailand Pass application, please check this page: http://www.siam-legal.com/coe

      Thank you.

    2. สวัสดีค่ะ ดิฉันรบกวนสอบถามค่ะ เนื่องด้วยสามีดิฉันได้ทำเรื่องขอ COE ค่ะ Code: 408253 ค่ะ passport: 120494070 Mr.Stuart John James Davies. ค่ะ ส่งไปได้4-5วันแล้วค่ะเขากังวลใจเพราะกำหนดบินวันที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน เวลา 10:30น. แล้วพรุ่งนี้หากยังไม่ไดัเขาจะต้องหมดเวลาเลื่อนเที่ยวบินค่ะ ทางเขากังวลมากค่ะ เพราะในระบบยังแจ้ง Waiting for aproval.
      ขอความกรุณาทางสถานทูตไทยเช็คให้หน่อยนะคะ ขอบคุณค่ะ

    3. Dear Rex. thank you for assistance. I filled in the COE form, however I realized that system is going to be changed in the beginning of Nov (we will arrive on Nov9th) what shall I do? The COE mentions that quarantine period is 7 days …in addition I don’t know which hotel is confirmed to book in Bangkok for the 1 night quarantine, and if the hotel will need to arrange pick up and other thinks like before ?
      Thanks in advance,

    4. Hello, I got my approved COE on 23rd October . My travel date is November 10. Is COE valid to enter Bangkok? Do I need to do any new updates for COE?

    5. Hi, I am looking to travel into Bangkok on 19th December from the UK. Do I need to obtain a Tourist Visa and COE before entering? What are the entry requirements needed

  64. Good Morning,

    I am in the process of booking flights to go back to Phuket on the 11th of November for approx 42 days. I hope to have all paperwork compiled today to submit my visa application. However, I’m unsure if I can apply for COE approval without visa? Should I wait until my visa comes through?

    Thank you for your assistance

    1. Hi, my husband and I would like to go to Thailand as tourists for a holiday. We would like to stay for about three months.
      Do we need to apply for a Visa before we can apply for the Thai Pass.
      If we get the pass is it for 30 days and do we then apply the way we used to do for 30 day extensions and the immigration office in Patong, Phuket.

    2. Hello. I received the Coe to enter Thailand on 3 November, but my flight date is 30 November Can I use the Coe certificate on November 30 to enter Thailand?

  65. I applied for a COE and received rejected notice with no information. I attempted calling and emailing multiple places / times with no response until today. Today I was informed they wanted me to wait until November 1st for the new Thailand Pass system. I attempted to communicate with my hotel but they wish for me to still follow COE guidelines. Is SHABA still required after November 1st? This article implies you just need a confirmed booking and nothing else. Thank you for your response.

    1. Dear Douglas,

      Good day.
      If your flight departs November 8 onwards, you need to apply for Thailand Pass on November 1. If your flight is November to 7, you can apply for COE now.

      Thank you.

    2. I’m staying under 30 days, do I need a visa,… I’m from England and only staying 26 days

    3. Regards..
      I did apply for Thai pass 5 days ago and still no response..my flight to Bangkok tomorrow and I am stressed out!!

  66. Hi,
    I am planning to go to Bangkok, Thailand on Nov 1. Understand that Thailand pass is not available yet. Would it be possible we submit COE and do quarantine for 1 night?

    1. Dear Jami,

      Good day.
      Yes, you can apply now for the COE that you will use for your flight on November 1.
      Should you require any assistance for the COE or Thailand Pass application, please check this page: http://www.siam-legal.com/coe

      Thank you.

  67. According to the declaration form I need a fit to fly certificate and
    a negative Covid certificate. Do I need both or is a negative Covid
    Certificate sufficient?

    1. Dear Peter,

      Good day.
      You only need to have a medical certificate stating you have negative COVID test result or the test result itself.
      Thank you.

    2. Hi I’m planning to go to Thailand ( Bangkok) from Perth Australia around February, March 2022 for approximately 6 to 8 weeks what do I need to do to make this happen.

  68. Dear Sir,

    I travel from Finland after 1.Nov, when Finland is on the list for “low risk countries” requiring only 1 night in SHA+ Hotel.
    However, if I want to travel 1.Nov or soon after it, so I need to apply for COE, since the “Thailand pass” system is not yet operational. But in the COE system there is no option for Bangkok yet. Only Phuket sandbox. What to do if u want to travel to Bangkok? Do I choose the Phuket sandbox option?

  69. Hello,

    I applied for the COE more than a week ago, paid for the travel insurance and hoped to travel on the 3rd November. However my application is still under consideration when I check on the website. A text box appears when I searched this morning to tell me that the COE is being replaced by the Thailand pass but that the application process doesn’t open until 1 November. Is there a way I can still use my COE application as I really want to go ahead and book flights/ accommodation. I fall under the visa exemption rule and plan to enter Thailand through the Phuket sandbox programme.

    I would appreciate any help or advice.
    Kind regards,

    1. Dear Ciara,

      Good day. Your pending application will still be considered and approved. You can use COE for your trip on November 1. Just contact the Thai Embassy by email or by phone to follow up the application.

      Thank you.

  70. Good Morning

    I already applied for a COE entering Phuket “Sandbox”. Since its possible to enter Bangkok without a Quarantine from Switzerland my question is if its possible to change the Destination from Phuket to Bangkok in the COE.

    Many thanks for your reply.

    1. Dear Juri,

      Good day.
      When you arrive in Phuket, you can still use the No Quarantine Program. Your COE will state that you are Eligible for Quarantine Exemption after you tested negative on COVID test after arrival. You can ask for the refund from the hotel after that.

      Thank you.

  71. Hi Rex,

    I will be flying into Bangkok for new employment. What is the insurance coverage period I should purchase for this case?

  72. Hi Rex,

    Please advice if I still need to apply COE I will be traveling directly to Phuket on November 4-15,2021.

    I am fully vaccinated already.

    Thank you for your response

    1. Dear Kristel,

      Good day.
      If you are traveling before November 8, you can apply for the COE or Certificate of Entry right now.
      If you are traveling on November 8 onwards, you can apply for the Thailand Pass starting on Monday November1.
      Should you require any assistance for the COE or Thailand Pass application, please check this page: http://www.siam-legal.com/coe

      Thank you.

      Thank you.

  73. Hi,

    My partner and I was supposed to go to Thailand Phuket Sandbox programme 2/11 from Sweden but now we got an email saying that our ticket was cancelled. We are in a panic to find a new flight but if we book a new ticket, is it ok to enter Thailand with the COE we’ve already received for the flight that was cancelled?

    Best regards

    1. Dear Cecilia,

      Good day.
      You may check the REMARKS section of your COE regarding cancelled flights. Also, please go to the weblink given to you by the embassy. You can see the new and updated COE.

      Thank you.

  74. Hi there,

    I am also struggling:

    1. I have not heart back since applying for the COE on Oct 14th. Still under approval. Getting a little nervous – anyone else experiencing the same issue and any solution?

    2. I am planning to enter Thailand on Nov 1st and are from an eligible country for the Thailand pass. I guess I still have to purchase 2 tests and book 7 nights of SHA+ for the final COE approval?
    Also would it be possible to change my flight from HKT to BKK? (Departing at the same time) or would I possible hand in my BKK flight Details straight away when (hopefully!) receiving my initial approval?

    Very glad for any advice!

    Kind regards

    1. Dear Jana,

      Good day.
      You do not need to change the destination. Phuket Airport also offer No Quarantine for those who are from the 46 low risk countries. All you need to do now is call the embassy and request for an update on your COE application.

      Thank you.

  75. Hi there,

    I submitted my pre-registration form a week ago now and have heard nothing. I’ve entered my details and i’m being told I’m still under approval. I thought it was supposed to be 3 days?

    There’s no reason why I should be approved as I fulfil all the requested criteria.

    I’m becoming quite anxious that I won’t receive my COE before I travel in about 3 weeks

  76. Hello, I am travelling to Thailand on the 11th Nov. I applied for a CoE on the 18th Oct…. I have a confirmation email and when I review the application it says awaiting approval. Should I continue to wait or do I apply again via Thailand Pass. Its getting very near to my departure date

    Many thanks

  77. Hello! I’m from Argentina and I’m full vaccinated with 2 Astrazeneca doses with 12 weeks and 3 days interval. The requirements of Phuket Sandbox say between 8 and 12 weeks. Could it be a problem ?

  78. Hello,

    My C of E is currently being approved.
    However my airline has contacted me saying that I need to change to an earlier connecting flight into Amsterdam on the same day as the transfer time has been reduced to 5mins
    I will have the same flight into Bangkok.
    Do I have to apply again for my C of E when I received it?

  79. Hello there i would like to visit thailand with my 2 sister for aug 2022 for 3days only because i need to come back to canada. we are philippines passport holder are we allowed to entry in thailand without quaritine? and do i need to apply visa for both of us? how much fee health insurance covid related cover for 3 person?

    Thank you

  80. Hello,

    I’ve applied for the incorrect COE – i needed to request the VISA exempt tourist COE. How do I go about cancelling the request so I can apply correctly?


  81. Hi, I applied for COE on 18/10/2021 and am flying to Phuket on 31/10/2021. I have still not received a pre approval 7 days on. When I check on the website using the 6 digit access code it tells me “waiting for approval”.
    Do you know how much longer this will take as and after that do we still need further approval that will take longer? I have sent 2 emails however no response.

  82. Hello,

    1. I was planning to fly on 1st November, I guess I have to change that plan since Thailand Pass is not available yet? Or can I do the COE?
    2. Is it required to have a flight booked out of Thailand? I’m not sure if I’m gonna stay for 4 weeks, or apply for visa for another 4 weeks.
    3. Is there a difference between SHA and SHA+ ? Some hotels say SHA, some say SHA+

    Thank you!

  83. Hello Rex,

    I am from the netherlands and my flight will be from november 6th. Now the thailandpass will be avalaible on november 1 or 2. I am afraid that maybe i dont have enough time too get my application approved. And this is hoping the system will work properly. So is it still possible too apply for a COE with the new entry requirements?

    Thank you!

  84. Hello Rex,

    I have read through previous answers and I am hoping very much that the situation is still the same now as about 2wks ago, re a flight change and COE.

    I am an Australian in Greece; I live on a small island here half the year, in Phuket the other 6 months (have retirement visa). My domestic flight to Athens was delayed yesterday, causing me to miss my ATH-HKT flight. I have gotten all the docs re-issued that i can; changed my Emirates flight to 24 hrs later; ditto my SHA+ booking, swab tests, etc. PCR is still valid. The only doc that I cannot get a date change is my COE. According to the Thai Embassy in Athens, there is only one person who can do this, and she is not in the office today.

    I read on my COE form that we have a 72hr window to rebook a flight, without needing to get a replacement COE doc. But no-one seems able to confirm this ! So here I am at the airport, biting all nails, and hoping your advice to Sergei some weeks ago is still current. Any reassurance would be SO much appreciated !! 🙂

  85. Hi,
    What is the website to apply for a CoE? Also, I have booked a hotel under my name but there are 5 of us travelling to Bangkok. I have asked the hotel to add all the names to the reservation but was advised that they can only have 1 name in the reservation. Is there a ‘group CoE application?’

  86. Morning Rex

    I submitted the COE over 10 days ago and I’m still waiting for it to be approved is this normal as state 1-3 on all websites ?

  87. Hello REX,
    I’m an Ethiopian citizen and live in Saudi Arabia. Do I need visa since Ethiopians can get a visa on arrival and if not what do I have to do to travel to Thailand?

  88. Hello,
    I am moroccan citizen, preparing visa for my trip Mid November, through Phuket sandbox program.
    Rabat embassy team advised me to initiate COE process.
    When i fill the informations and load the documents, it seems that my health pass is not recognized ( I tried PDF , JPEG) even if i have the correct dates of Sinopharm vaccin.
    Could you please help me to handle this issue, in order to run out of time.
    Thank you for your assistance

  89. I was denied access onto a flight on Sunday 24.10.21 because I did not have a visa or flight leaving Thailand Worthing 30 days of arrival. If I book a flight out of thailand within 30 days, can I use my same COE To travel and arrive in thailand within 72 hours. The Thai embassy did not tell me I need to have an outbound flight within 30 days. I intended to extend my allowed stay and get a visa if necessary in thailand. My trip is planned for 88 days.

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