Important News Regarding the TM6 Form and Its Replacement, the TDAC
UPDATE!: The old paper TM6 form has been discontinued. It will be replaced by the Thailand Digital Arrival Card (TDAC) starting May 1, 2025. Once Thai Immigration releases further details about the new TM6 system, this page will be updated.
TM 6 Immigration Form (Arrival Card/ Departure Card)
What is TM 6 Form?
TM 6 immigration form is a form required to be filled by foreign nationals entering Thailand to be submitted to the Thai immigration checkpoint at the airport you arrived at in Thailand.
The TM 6 form can only be obtained once you are inside the plane during all international flights to Thailand. It will be handed over by the airline crew or staff for you to fill it.
If you have not received the TM 6 form while on the plane, you can obtain this at the table located before the Thai immigration checkpoint at the airport.
What is the Purpose of this TM 6 Form?
The purpose of this is to keep track of foreign nationals coming in and going out of the country.
Who will obtain and fill in the TM 6 Form?
Whether you are an American, Chinese, Russian, or Japanese, you will receive this form and fill it in with the necessary details that are asked in the form.
It does not matter what type of visa you have, may it be a tourist visa (single entry or multi-entry), Smart visa, visa on arrival, or even if you are entering through visa exemption, as long as you are a foreign national entering Thailand, you will obtain and fill in the TM 6 Form.
Note: There are different TM forms given to Thai nationals leaving and returning to Thailand.
What can be found on the TM 6 Form?
The TM 6 form is divided into 2 parts:
- Arrival Card
- Departure Card
Each part has a different set of details asked to be filled in by the foreign nationals.
Thailand Arrival Card
You can start filling in the form with your information upon receiving the TM 6 form during your flight to Thailand.
To give you an idea of what the Thailand arrival card looks like, it looks like this:

Now, you must think of it as a simple form, right? Well, it is simple, but some still fill in the wrong information. For you to fill in the Thailand arrival card the right way, here is a guide:
Front View of the Card
Fill it with your:
- Family Name, First Name, and Middle Name. Make sure that the information you filled in with is the same information that can be found in your passport, visa, or any identification document that you are bringing.
- Select and tick/check the box that corresponds to your gender. It must be the same gender that is in your passport, visa, or any of your identification documents.
- Nationality. Make sure you write your nationality the same in your passport’s country.
- Passport Number. It can be found on your travel document, make sure you write the same passport number.
- Date of Birth. The format should be DD/MM/YYYY (date/month/year).
- Flight Number. This can be found on your plane/flight ticket or boarding pass.
- Visa Number. This can be found on the Thai visa that you already have. If you do not have a visa yet, you should apply to the Royal Thai Embassy that can be found in your country. In case entering through Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival, please leave it blank.
- Occupation. Fill it in with the title of your current job position.
- Country Where you Boarded. Fill it in with the last country that you have been to upon entering Thailand. It does not matter if you are from the U.S. If you have boarded the plane to Thailand in other countries, you fill this part with the last country that you have been to.
- Purpose of Visit. Is it for business, education, retirement, tourism? The Thai visa that you have shall be in sync with your purpose of visit. If you are entering Thailand through Visa Exemption, Visa on Arrival, Tourist Visa, your purpose of visit should be no other than “Tourism”.
- Length of Stay. Just like in the purpose of visit, the number of days that you shall put shall be in sync with the number of days allowed for you to stay on the type of Thai visa that you have. You cannot put the number of days that exceeded the days that you are allowed to stay.
- Residence. Fill it in with the state you are from and the country from which the state is from.
- Address in Thailand. Fill this with the full address of where you will stay in Thailand. If you are staying in a hotel/condo/friend’s house, fill in the address of the hotel/condo/ friend’s house not just the name of the hotel/condo establishment.
- Telephone Number. The telephone number shall be in international format.
- E-mail Address. Make sure that the e-mail address is the one that you are currently using.
- Signature. Please do not forget to sign. Many of the foreign nationals miss this part of the form.
Back View of the Card
In the back view, you will only have to Tick or check the boxes that correspond to your answers:
- Type of Flight. Was your flight a charter flight or a scheduled flight?
- First Trip to Thailand? Is it yes or no?
- Part of a Group Tour? Is it yes or no?
- Type of Accommodation. Tick/check the type of accommodation that you will be staying in. Make sure that the accommodation that you tick/check is the same information in “Address in Thailand” in the front view.
- Purpose of Visit. Make sure that the one you tick or check is the same information that you have put in the “Purpose of Visit” in the front view.
- Yearly Income. You can choose all except the “no income”. By choosing “no income” it means that you are not fit to finance your stay in Thailand. If you really do not have any income, it is best to not attempt entering Thailand at all.
Thailand Departure Card
You can also fill in this part of the card upon receiving the TM 6 form, but it will not be checked unless you are to depart from Thailand or leave Thailand.
This can be found in the front view of the TM 6 form alongside the arrival card (front view). To give you an idea of what the Thailand departure card looks like, it looks like this:
You will have to fill it with some of the asked details from the arrival card like the Family Name, Full Name, Middle Name, Date of Birth, Passport Number, Nationality, Flight Number, and Signature.
The only information that will be different from the arrival card is the Flight Number.
Keep TM 6 Form (Arrival/Departure Card) Truthful, Clear & Clean, and Safe
In filling in the information needed in the TM 6 form:
- Please be Honest. The information will be checked by Thai immigration officers. There will be a punishment provided if dishonesty is discovered.
- Please make it Clear and Clean. Make sure that the information you have input is readable. It is suggested to USE English Alphabets and USE capital letters
- Please keep it Safe. After the immigration check, you will be keeping the TM6 immigration form (Thailand arrival and departure card) and will be used again if you depart from Thailand or leave Thailand.
For the lost TM 6 form, report it to the local immigration office and ask for a replacement.
Explore the TM6 immigration form (Thailand arrival and departure card). This is just a sample form and is not valid to submit to the immigration checkpoint. The original TM 6 form will each have different barcodes.
One Response
Can i fill in TM6 online ?